I love a new year. I love the unwritten permission it gives everyone to do a little better and try a little harder. I love writing goals (thanks to years of family home evenings doing so) and I love tracking my progress.
What I don’t love? The pressure that comes from attempting an overwhelming task or striving for something that just happens to be a bit too far out of reach.
As a health coach these “a-bit-too-far-out-of-reach” goals were things I heard quite often from my clients. They had amazing visions of losing a certain number of pounds or fitting into a certain pair of pants or looking like a certain neighbor down the street. They weren’t realistic and they weren’t healthy. And in all reality, any goal having to do with health should be just that – a goal about getting HEALTHY.
It can be a big task to try to get healthy all at once. In fact, for most it is impossible to make all those healthy changes in one new year’s goal. So in order to help you on your journey to a better and healthier you, I created a month-by-month guide. By following this, you’ll be able to find yourself much healthier than you were the month before just by adding one new habit. And that is what we all want, right? Just a little healthier one step at a time.
Each month be sure to come back for details on just how to accomplish your monthly goal and why it is so important to your health. This is one New Year’s resolution you won’t be quitting!
Happy 2014!
Jean Newell says
This is great, Trisha! I’m going to start right now. Thanks for the great tips.