We are coming up on a year since we became a family of three. It honestly blows my mind. So much has changed in these short 10 months and watching him learn has been one of my favorite things.
My Favorite Winter Workout
In high school I loved a good Saturday spent up in the mountains snowboarding with friends. Now when I think of snowboarding, I think of being cold and spending too much money. So snowboarding hasn’t happened in a while. But I still have an itch to get outside in the winter and be active, so…
My Favorite Home Exercise Equipment
I think for a lot of people winter time is when workouts tend to slip. Maybe we don’t push as hard because we are tired from holiday parties and outings. Or maybe we are stuck home when we normally workout outside or at a gym. Or maybe we are just sick of doing the same…
Workout Focus: Chest & Triceps
Strength training is super important for everyone to do – not just the athlete or the young adults or the men. We all need it! Strength training doesn’t mean spending an hour in the gym or bulking up like crazy though.
A Workout for Any Mom
So really this workout can be for anyone – no child needed. But my mind is in soon-to-be mommy land over here so that’s what this workout is called for today! We have three babies over here getting ready to make their debut. I’m in the first time mom category so while I haven’t experienced it first…
Walk to Run: A Workout for Everyone
Running and I go way back. I ran my first 5k with my mom and sister on Thanksgiving day in 2006. It was cold and we wondered what we were doing as we drove to the race that morning. But guess what – we haven’t missed a year since and I’ve run a handful of…
October: Strength Train
So…did you say no to soda last month? I sure hope so! I can’t even believe we only have 3 more months until 2014 is behind us. I hope you are feeling healthier and finding that these small changes each month are making a difference.
August: Stretch More
Have you ever watched a dog or a baby wake up from a nap? The first thing they do is stretch. And they stretch a lot. I think they might have something to teach us inflexible people, wouldn’t you say? This month for our healthy resolution we are going to focus on stretching more. I think…