We are coming up on a year since we became a family of three. It honestly blows my mind. So much has changed in these short 10 months and watching him learn has been one of my favorite things.
My Favorite Winter Workout
In high school I loved a good Saturday spent up in the mountains snowboarding with friends. Now when I think of snowboarding, I think of being cold and spending too much money. So snowboarding hasn’t happened in a while. But I still have an itch to get outside in the winter and be active, so…
Energy Bites
Have you ever been on the hunt for a delicious, homemade treat that your mother, son, aunt, grandpa, brother-in-law, second cousin twice removed, stranger up the street, best friend’s dog ok EVERYONE will love? Well your hunt is over. Not only are these energy bites absolutely addicting delicious, they are simple to make (no-bake!), nutritious, and…
My Best Mom Tip – Meal Planning
I think we have all heard some of the benefits of eating dinner together as a family. In this article, Anne Fishel, a clinical professor of psychology at Harvard, affirms that it’s the most important thing we can do for our kids. Not only does it decrease the likelihood of substance abuse, depression, and suicide,…
My Favorite Home Exercise Equipment
I think for a lot of people winter time is when workouts tend to slip. Maybe we don’t push as hard because we are tired from holiday parties and outings. Or maybe we are stuck home when we normally workout outside or at a gym. Or maybe we are just sick of doing the same…
Workout Focus: Chest & Triceps
Strength training is super important for everyone to do – not just the athlete or the young adults or the men. We all need it! Strength training doesn’t mean spending an hour in the gym or bulking up like crazy though.
Healthy Snacking
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from people related to health is what to snack on. Often times we can figure out how to prepare healthy meals, but it’s those times during the day when we are busy and get hungry and often it is easiest to grab something not so healthy.
A Workout for Any Mom
So really this workout can be for anyone – no child needed. But my mind is in soon-to-be mommy land over here so that’s what this workout is called for today! We have three babies over here getting ready to make their debut. I’m in the first time mom category so while I haven’t experienced it first…