You know how the saying goes – you are what you eat! This can definitely be true. Our bodies respond positively or negatively by how we treat them and what we nourish them with. Since summer time is on it’s way and we all want to be outside and not stuck inside with some nasty…
Walk to Run: A Workout for Everyone
Running and I go way back. I ran my first 5k with my mom and sister on Thanksgiving day in 2006. It was cold and we wondered what we were doing as we drove to the race that morning. But guess what – we haven’t missed a year since and I’ve run a handful of…
December: Practice Moderation
This year of healthy resolutions is almost coming to an end…but not quite! We have one more month to make changes for the better. So far this year you have sat less, you’ve spent more time outside, you’ve stretched more and drank more water and you even went meatless! For this final month your challenge…
November: Take time to Meditate
I hope everyone is recovering from Halloween…because it is officially holiday season! Now isn’t that crazy. In an effort to help ease the holiday stress, this month’s health challenge is to take time every day to meditate. Meditation has a long list of benefits, but one that is always at the top of the list is the…
October: Strength Train
So…did you say no to soda last month? I sure hope so! I can’t even believe we only have 3 more months until 2014 is behind us. I hope you are feeling healthier and finding that these small changes each month are making a difference.
September: Say No to Soda
If you were to come up to me and ask what is the ONE thing a person could change that would help their health, although it would be hard to choose one, it would most likely be this: That’s why this month for our healthy resolution we are challenging you to say no to soda!…
Healthy Snacking for Healthy Kids
I have pretty vivid memories of coming home from school after those long days as an elementary school girl. My younger brother and I would walk home from school and it was just a matter of seconds before our backpacks were on the ground and we were seated at the counter ready for our “after school snack”. There…
August: Stretch More
Have you ever watched a dog or a baby wake up from a nap? The first thing they do is stretch. And they stretch a lot. I think they might have something to teach us inflexible people, wouldn’t you say? This month for our healthy resolution we are going to focus on stretching more. I think…