You know how the saying goes – you are what you eat! This can definitely be true. Our bodies respond positively or negatively by how we treat them and what we nourish them with. Since summer time is on it’s way and we all want to be outside and not stuck inside with some nasty bug, here are 9 foods you should add to your diet to boost your immune system!
1. Yogurt – We’ve heard it before and it is still true – yogurt is full of probiotics that are so essential for our bodies and digestive system. These probiotics help keep the good bacteria in the gut and the bad away. Yes please! (For those that are dairy free, you could try some goat’s milk yogurt or almond or coconut milk yogurt)
2. Oats & Barley – Some studies show that oats and barley help boost the immune system and speed up healing. Try some oatmeal in the morning or this barley stew!
3. Sweet Potatoes – You may not think of this, but your skin is an important part in fighting off disease. It’s the first place a disease or sickness can enter your body! So to keep your skin healthy and strong you need vitamin A…and sweet potatoes are the perfect place to get that!
4. Garlic – As an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-bacterial, garlic is a powerful opponent of just about everything. Chop it up and sauté with vegetables, meat, or beans.
5. Grapefruit – This fruit is a great source of vitamin C and is packed with flavonoids — natural chemical compounds that have been found to increase immune system activation.6. Broccoli – My favorite! It’s an immune-boosting basic. One study reported a chemical in broccoli helped stimulate the immune systems of mice. Plus, it’s full of nutrients that protect your body from damage. It has vitamin A, vitamin C, and glutathione.
6. Broccoli – My favorite! It’s an immune-boosting basic. One study reported a chemical in broccoli helped stimulate the immune systems of mice. Plus, it’s full of nutrients that protect your body from damage. It has vitamins A, vitamin C, and glutathione.
7. Honey – Honey’s anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants make it a powerful immunity booster. Drizzle some on multigrain toast, oatmeal, or plain yogurt. Stir into lemon tea to soothe sore throats and improve digestion.8. Water – Hydration is important for health at any level. But it does an especially good job of flushing out toxins and thinning out mucus. Carry around a water bottle to be sure you are getting enough!
8. Water – Hydration is important for health at any level. But it does an especially good job of flushing out toxins and thinning out mucus. Sometimes it is hard to drink enough water when the weather is cold…but don’t let it stop you!
9. Almonds – These nuts are high in vitamin E, which can ward off upper-respiratory infections, and they are great at boosting energy as well.
I hope you find yourself healthy and active as the summer approaches!