One of the funny things about blogging is that you never really know what’s going to resonate with people and make it out there in the Internet world. And I have to tell you that I kind of love that our 5 Last Minute Youth Activities has been a favorite.
Why? Because it means that at least a good chunk of the population out there is a lot like me-sometimes scrambling at the last minute to find something that will work. While I love those days when I’m working ahead, goodness knows, life happens. So we’ve put together one more list of a handful of activities that are just a few minutes away from being ready-to-go.
1. Scripture Kickball: You probably have a good idea of what this one entails…
What you’ll need: the kickball basics (like a ball and bases) and a printed list of scripture questions you can find at the original post. Easy peasy.
2. Puzzle Races: This is a fun way to mix up activity night. So often, the go-to for activities planned on the last-minute side of things lean toward more physical games. This one challenges the mind and probably interests a different group of kids than your kickball fans.
What you’ll need: puzzles (similar number of pieces and difficulty level) and a bracket. Find out more about how to play here!
3. Scripture Battleship: Think your long-ago childhood favorite game, but with people as battleships. If it’s summertime, use water balloons!!
What you’ll need: balls (or water balloons), some kind of partition that separates the teams so they can’t see each other but can still throw things over the partition, and a printable list of questions you can find with the instructions here!
4. Gratitude Scavenger Hunt: Yeah, it’s perfect for November, but the reminder to be grateful is useful all year round. And who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt?
What you’ll need: a camera/smart phone for each team and the printable list you can find here.
5. Glow-In-The-Dark Capture the Flag: The game you played all summer as a kid, but with a fun nighttime twist.
What you’ll need: two sets of glow bracelets (two different colors, one for each team, two bracelets per player), two big glowsticks (in the colors that match the team bracelets), and a quick review of the rules that you can find here.
6. General Conference Who’s Who: A fun but quick game that highlights interesting details of the apostles and First Presidency. Would be a great way to start a meaningful discussion about a particular conference talk or a review of what was spoken about in the most recent General Conference
What you’ll need: the printable for the game that you can find here and the Ensign Conference edition (hard-copy or online) if you’ll be chatting about talks.
7. Amazing Race: Temple Edition: This is completely planned and will make for a really fun night. Awesome activity that’s pretty much totally ready for you and your youth.
What you’ll need: an easy-to-make temple puzzle for each team (instructions found in the original post), sugarcubes, glue, and some printables for the different stations that you can find here.
I am going to use your kickball idea for my abacus class today. Thanks! Not that we will be using scriptures, rather just correctly writing the number on the abacus!