(Left to Right: Kellie, Shari, Natalie, Trisha)
You can contact us at letsgettogetherblog@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you!
Kellie enjoys dating her husband, a good workout video, making things from scratch, and soaking up fresh air. She is the mother of three young kids, who keep her busy and moving! She graduated in Communications, and while putting her husband through school discovered that she would love to be an editor one day! She loves meeting new people, catching up with friends, and spending time with her family.
Shari loves traveling with her husband, eating at outdoor cafés and taking long walks down cobbled streets. She doesn’t like angry birds (the real kind), crazy toe cramps, or missionary goodbyes. She is the family party planner, la estudiante de español, lover of tennis, volunteer English teacher for refugees and immigrants, and very happy resident of Grandma-land. Her nirvana is having all the family together!
Natalie is the proud new mama of a really cute baby boy. Really. Her husband is pretty cute too. She loves all kinds of cooking but has an extra soft spot in her heart-and her kitchen-for Latin flavors and can make some mean (and pretty authentic) enchiladas verdes. One of her most favorite places to be is in a bubble bath with a good book. She’s a firm believer that Aggie Blue Mint ice cream makes any occasion a serious party. (You have to try this ice cream. Life. Changing.)
Trisha is the mom of one darling baby boy and wife to one wonderful husband. She loves going on long bike rides with her husband, eating broccoli, watching documentaries and teaching people to make kale chips (it’s true). She thinks laughter is the best medicine (with sleep as a close second) and that breathing fresh mountain air can do a whole lot of good. She graduated from Utah Valley University in Community Health and loves to talk health with anyone that wants to!
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