The Needing Spot
By Natalie

Sometimes we think we couldn’t possibly be good parents because we make mistakes. Or because so much of the time, it’s just so hard.
Sometimes I yell. I feel like I’m losing my mind-and my temper.
I have no idea what to do for Sam.
I never say the right thing.
Family night blew up.
I’m not cut out for this. My house is a wreck.
We fight. The kids fight. Quarantine has been one big ginormous fight.
I’m not sure where or how I fit as my kids become adults.
Clark won’t eat anything besides macaroni and Gushers.
I try every day. And I mess up. Every day.
From the mouths of moms, these are things I have heard-and quite recently at that.
You’ve heard them too.
Your girlfriends have said these things and you’ve jumped right in with something like this, “Did you see how you handled that name-calling episode? Top notch. Or how you calmed that scraped up toddler or angsty teenager with your touch and that big mama heart of yours? Well, I saw it. I see you. Take note, sister. You are remarkable.”
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Today was a sweet day. Today, we prepped and served lunch at the Ronald McDonald House. We grated carrots and browned hamburger and dumped in cans of beans until the biggest pot of minestrone I’ve ever made simmered with the smell basil and love. We tossed salad and baked cookies and watched brave…

I’m writing this from radioactive isolation. Probably not what you were expecting, huh? Well, it’s true. It’s the big reason why this little blog has fallen silent over the last year. There were bigger things happening. It was one of those times when life yelled, “STOP!” so loudly that there was no other choice…

How to Grill a Turkey Breast
Two years ago, both of my sisters had plans to eat Thanksgiving with their in-laws. So it was going to be the 5 of us: Tim and I with our little 1-year-old Benson and my mom and dad. Mom and I thought we could dodge a huge cooking and clean-up bullet by convincing the boys…

DIY: Lifetime Tomato Cages
Our friend Jean is one of those git-‘er-done gals. She has a beautiful garden and is sharing her amazing DIY tomato cages that never tip over and don’t need any extra supports. So if you’re dreaming of homemade salsa this summer, listen up.

The Dinner Club
As time goes by, do couples just suddenly find each other unattractive? In the book Fighting for Your Marriage experts observed differently. Rather, “the biggest reason attraction dies down is that couples neglect the very things that built and maintained it in the first place, friendship and fun.”

5 Things I Want My Son to Know About Being Healthy
We are coming up on a year since we became a family of three. It honestly blows my mind. So much has changed in these short 10 months and watching him learn has been one of my favorite things.

Remembering Mom
Our friend Gloria has found a beautiful way to remember her mom and keep her traditions alive. “Mom tried to teach us to notice the beauty of nature around us and the contrast of colors. She taught us art lessons as children and as adults. We learned to paint with water colors, oil,…

Baby Shower Games
Spring is here, or at least it should be. Our weather can’t seem to decide what season we are in just yet. But with Spring often comes lots of baby showers! We have a few fun games for you for your next shower. I know sometimes shower games can be pretty…unbearable…at times. We’ve found these…
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