The Needing Spot
By Natalie

Sometimes we think we couldn’t possibly be good parents because we make mistakes. Or because so much of the time, it’s just so hard.
Sometimes I yell. I feel like I’m losing my mind-and my temper.
I have no idea what to do for Sam.
I never say the right thing.
Family night blew up.
I’m not cut out for this. My house is a wreck.
We fight. The kids fight. Quarantine has been one big ginormous fight.
I’m not sure where or how I fit as my kids become adults.
Clark won’t eat anything besides macaroni and Gushers.
I try every day. And I mess up. Every day.
From the mouths of moms, these are things I have heard-and quite recently at that.
You’ve heard them too.
Your girlfriends have said these things and you’ve jumped right in with something like this, “Did you see how you handled that name-calling episode? Top notch. Or how you calmed that scraped up toddler or angsty teenager with your touch and that big mama heart of yours? Well, I saw it. I see you. Take note, sister. You are remarkable.”
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Easter FHE: Following Christ
Easter is less than a week away! Here is a great lesson and activity to help your family think about the blessings of following Jesus Christ.

Cheesy Sausage and Bell Pepper Quiche and a Little Life Update
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Say Yes to Donate the Dress
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Bringing Birthdays Back
Can you remember the last time you got a letter in the mail? Not a bill, or a catalog, or a magazine. A letter from a friend. I got on Facebook the first week of January and saw a post from my dear friend Shannon. She asked if anyone would like a birthday card from…

During the last trimester of my first pregnancy I was working ten hour days as a medical assistant. My husband would finish his summer construction job, meet me in the doctor’s office around 6:00 p.m. and we would begin our second job of cleaning the office. Naturally, I would collapse on our couch in the…

Splurge vs. Save: Hair Products
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My Favorite Winter Workout
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Valentine Pizzas and The Best Pizza Crust Ever
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