Prom is a big event to many high school students. With the cost of a formal dress or tuxedo, paying to get your hair and nails done, going out to eat, getting a limo, getting prom pics, and paying for the prom itself– it is outrageous! The cost of prom in the United States in 2013 averaged $1139 per family. Every year it seems to get more expensive and elaborate.
18-year-old Tage wants to change all that and give local girls a chance to wear a beautiful formal dress without crazy costs. Tage’s mom works at a Title 1 school where they have a high number of students from low-income families. She has become friends with many girls there and began loaning out her formal dresses for the Homecoming dance.
Recently with the help of her sister, Tage began a project asking people to donate prom dresses they don’t use anymore. The school has agreed to provide a closet to store the formal wear. Before a dance, girls may check out a dress with the agreement that they will have it dry-cleaned and return it promptly. Tage’s goal is to get 50 donated dresses before the end of April, before prom.
We love this and hope more people will dig through their closets of satin, taffeta, and lace and say YES to donate the dress.
If any of you live in Salt Lake or Utah County and would like to donate, comment below or e-mail us and we’d love to help get your dress to Tage!
We have a project called CinderellaProjectCharleston here in S.C. It helps allot of young girls and their biggest
donator is often Sorority clubs from universities.
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.