I’m not really a big pinewood derby fan. Maybe that’s because the only award my son ever received in that event was for the “Best Tasting Car.” My little Cub Scout had spent hours making his car and painting it. The night before the derby my dog chewed a big chunk out of it. Yep, that explains our award.
Racing zucchini boats is much less time-intensive and a lot of fun! (And if your dog finds it, no worries! Grab another one from the garden!) It’s also a great alternative to feeling obligated to eat a ridiculous amount of zucchini-if your zucchini plant is anything like mine.
Here’s what you’ll do:
-grow some BIG zucchini; one per child
-with a knife cut the top and then scoop out the seeds with a spoon (so your zucchini looks like a little canoe)
-each child can decorate a small flag out of cardstock paper and tape it on to a skewer. Push the skewer into your zucchini boat.
-find a canal or ditch or other water source; whatever floats your boat!
Your kids will love their zucchini boats!
Happy sailing!