Several years ago a friend told me that every January she dared her family to do something that year that they were afraid of or that would be very difficult. We’re not talking dangerous stuff, but having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and giving it your best effort. I loved that idea and began challenging myself and my kids to do the same.
Some challenges were small and then other years they were bigger. Five years ago I decided to run a half marathon. The only running I love is when I am chasing after a tennis ball to win the point! I remember my husband dropping me off on race day in a dark parking lot at 4:45 in the morning to board a bus with a bunch of strangers in running attire. I was really nervous and the training had been hard. But I met my goal, and became stronger because of it.
Some years the challenges came on their own as personal and family trials. My daughter has faced serious chronic health problems. Our learning then came in the form of looking forward with faith and hope, and expressing gratitude for a not-so-bad day or for small improvements or new insights.
Last year I enrolled in a university course to learn Spanish. I always loved school, but this terrified me. I was 30 years older than most students, and it was an intense course requiring daily assessments on speaking, reading, and writing. I groaned and grinned through two semesters of Spanish. My Chilean professor was so supportive and told me the neurons in my brain were on fire! I had a few bumps a long the way like when I got written up with a warning because my cell phone went off during an exam in the testing center! But, I learned so much and still love studying Spanish and using mechanical pencils. (They didn’t have those the first time I was in college!)
Recently my new challenge has been doing a blog with my girls. This is not easy for me, and I still worry about what people think our motives are. But, sometimes you just have to go with what feels right and give it your best shot.
So… I DARE YOU to face a fear, try something new, or do something really hard this year! You’ll be so glad you did!
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Cindy says
Great post! I needed a good dare! 😉 And I love the story about you getting
written up with a warning because your cell phone went off during an exam! Hahaha!
I Love your blog!