I know you are just recovering from Christmas, but it’s time to plan your fun family New Year’s Bash! This is my son-in-laws favorite party! Here are the 10 things you need to ring in the New Year:
1. Comfy shoes and casual clothes. Leave your high-heels and sequined sweater in the closet! Be sure to wear your deodorant though; this is an action-packed party!
2. Appetizer and dessert potluck. Check out our crockpot Texas bean dip and Mama’s Cheese Ball. Both of these recipes make a yearly appearance at our New Year’s Eve party. Finger food at its finest, folks.
3. Friends. Invite friends who make good food (for the potluck, of course) and are not afraid to let their hair down a bit!
4. Dodgeball. We are fanatics! Sweatbands and smack talk t-shirts are completely appropriate! I got my dodgeballs here. They’ve held up really well over several years and are definitely worth it if you’re dodgeball-people. (We book our church gym so we can do dodgeball.)
5. Let’s Dance Video (off of YouTube) with a large screen TV or projector. Turn off the lights and dance like no one’s watching! We used this one last year (I Don’t Feel Like Dancing), but we’re thinking of adding one or two more this year (Dynamite, What Makes You Beautiful).
6. Glow necklaces to pass out to your dance video participants. Crazy fun! (Buy these right after Halloween when they are on clearance.)
7. Animal Game. Do you know how to sound like a dolphin? Or an aardvark? This recent family favorite was brought to us by Tim, one of our son-in-laws. It was an instant hit. But be warned: things are about to get loud. And hilarious.
Before you begin, count how many people you have. You’ll need at least 12 people, and you need to have an even number. If you have an extra person, they could be in charge of tossing the papers. That will make sense in minute.
You’ll need the same number of papers as you have people, but those papers need to include pairs of animals (two of the same animal). For example, if you have 24 people, you’ll need pieces of paper with 12 different animals written on them-2 of each animal-one paper for each person. For a list of animals to print off go here. (This will give you 40 different animals, use the ones you like-you can even change out the animals you’re playing with to add some variety in different rounds.)
So, everyone gathers in a clump, standing up, and one person (either someone playing or someone not) stands in the center and tosses all of the pieces of paper into the air.
Everyone grabs a piece of paper and starts making the noise and acting out that animal. Each person is looking for the other person that has the same animal written on their paper.
So the orangutans are looking for each other, the cows are looking for each other, etc. When you find your partner, you sit down together.
The last two people standing (they should be the same animal) are out and get to sit on the sidelines, watching the madness.
You then start over, removing two pieces of paper (or one animal pair). Continue until you have four people-this is the last round. As soon as the first pair finds each other and sits, you have your winner!
It sounds complicated, but I promise-it’s not. And you’ll love it!
8. Piñata. So many to choose from! This year I got a “1” and a “4” so we can also use it for the 2014 photo area for families. I will just stuff the “4” with candy and bouncy balls. Check out the dollar store for cheap candy. A plastic bat works great for the pinata so no one gets hurt. The kids look forward to this every year.
9. 2014 photo area for families. This year, we’ll use the 14 piñata for this. You could find wooden numbers at any craft store or make signs. Just create a fun space for people to take pictures and remember this crazy night!
10. Be done before 10:00 pm so your teens will want to come to the family party then go celebrate later with their friends! Early ending time also makes it easier for your older kids who might have little ones.
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