This morning I woke up to find the dishes done and the fridge cleared out of leftovers that had been left over just a little too long. The mister apparently couldn’t sleep last night, and so, at 4am, he made his way down to the kitchen and did something that would warm my heart hours later.
Dirty dishes at 4am. That’s true love.
And that’s what I want to celebrate this Friday on Valentine’s Day. Not the dishes themselves- but the kind of guy who would think of making my life a little easier in the middle of the night (early early morning?). Let’s be honest. I would have just read a good book.
I decided to do what I did for him three years ago, when we were engaged-and not thinking at all about the realities of married life, like dishes and taxes and being so tired at the end of a week that you go to bed at 9pm on Saturday. Anyway. I went and bought one of those kiddie boxes of valentines. (I think I went with SpongeBob that year…this year, it’s all about Batman. I know. We are serious romantics.) And a bag of dark chocolates, because the mister is a dark chocolate kind of guy.
Then, I sat down and made a list of the things I love about him.
Let me just say this: making that list was at least as good for me to write it as it will be for him to read it. Something really sweet happens to your heart when you sit down to think and write about that person who courageously decided to take on life and forever with you.
I also pulled out the list I made three years ago, and it’s all kinds of funny and wonderful to see how we’ve changed-and how our hearts have changed by loving each other. Even if you think every other part of this post is dorky-and it probably is-I highly recommend making this list. At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I’ll tell you it’s simply magical.
I took my list and wrote the reasons out individually onto each valentine. I think I wrote them directly on the valentine three years ago. The Batman valentines were rather dark, so I made up a sheet of hearts, cut them up, and wrote on those. I taped the paper and a Dove dark chocolate on each valentine and we’re done. Nothing terribly pretty or time-consuming, naptime is not that long, sister.
This is where it gets fun! Late on Valentine’s Eve or early that morning, go hide your valentines all over the house. In his sock drawer. In his shoe. In the refrigerator where he always grabs an apple. In the shower. In his briefcase (do people use those anymore?). Tape one to the bathroom mirror. Tape another on his steering wheel. Have fun! If you have kiddos who are old enough, they’d have a smashing time helping you out by hiding these.
Just make sure you find all of those chocolate valentines before the summer heat kicks in.
AND: keep the list you made. Make an extra copy and put it where you put those things that you don’t want to lose.
Happy Valentine’s Day, you crazy lovebirds.
he’s a keeper!!
I agree! 😉
This is beyond romantic!! My husband is a huge super hero lover and I’ve been looking for something sweet to do for him for Valentines day! I cant wait until he fonda these all around the house.
Oooo! Sounds like a perfect fit for him! Have so much fun. I loved getting this ready for my husband!
Please send me your Valentine Husband List “)
I would love your list too! 🙂 Great idea that doesn’t cost a lot too 🙂
Hi Callie! I’ve been trying to hunt down the heart paper and I can’t find it anywhere. So sorry!! If I get some time today, I’ll keep looking.