I remember the first time I gave these Oreo suckers out for Valentines. I was in junior high and all of the sudden I became everyone’s friend. I took a bag full of them and handed them out to friends and teachers, and eventually some people that just asked. They were such a hit! It’s a great way to break away from the norm of the valentine candy you can buy in bulk, and they are super simple to make.
You can do these as a family for an activity after FHE one night, with a group of friends or even as a YW activity and send them home with some to give out. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Valentine Orea Suckers
1 package of Double Stuff Oreos
2 (12 ounce) packages of Wilton Candy Melts (1 of chocolate, 1 of the white)
Lollipop sticks and sucker bags
*chocolate wafers, lollipop sticks, and sucker bags can be found at Michaels
Heat oven to 300. Lay Oreos on a cookie sheet and put in oven for two minutes to soften the inside. (Keep an eye on them or they will melt!). Remove from oven and insert the lollipop sticks half way in. Put Oreos in the freezer to harden 5-10 minutes. Melt 1 cup of chocolate wafers in microwave. (Cook 1 minute, stir, 1 minute, stir until melted) Gently spoon the chocolate over the cookie, using the back of the spoon to spread it evenly. Shake on the colorful sprinkles. Lay onto wax paper to set. If your kitchen is too warm, put the lollipops back in the freezer til they are firm. Put in sucker bags and tie with cute ribbon.