Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love getting together with the girls for lunch or something delicious? My creative friend Jean LOVES Halloween and used this photo of Welsh women to inspire her “WITCHES TEA PARTY!”
Here’s what she did…
On my dining room wall I put up a collage of family portraits, both the living and the dead. Print them in black and white or sepia tones on regular white cardstock paper. Then use a red pencil to turn the eyes red like a hungry vampire. You can also lengthen the eye teeth on some of them by using a white colored pencil. The best ones are old ancestors who were not smiling. It is also fun for the guests to see fun pictures of themselves. I had to repaint my wall after Halloween because of all those nail holes!
Send out a fun invitation, like this one!
We have one you can download here and edit (add text) in PicMonkey. The font I used is called SF Gothican (and it’s free!!). You can find it here. Once you’ve downloaded it, it will show up in the “Yours” section of fonts. Add the details for your event, and you’re all set! It’s sized to print as a 4×6. Which is awesome-because that means you can upload your edited invitation to Wal-Mart’s (or wherever!) photo site and print them on the cheap. (The game below is sized likewise so you can do it all at once!!)
Set up a portrait backdrop for taking pictures. I just hung a tablecloth over a window curtain rod and put some spooky looking things on a table in front of it and a chair for each witch to sit in for her portrait.
We also took pictures at the front door as the witches arrived. And don’t miss all those cute witch shoes.
Ask each witch to bring a pot-luck item. My family got totally into it, bringing Halloween themed food. For the main dish I provided butternut squash soup with whipped cream and olive googly-eyes.
Also, bottles of soda-pop with fun Halloween labels added a fun touch.
I set the table with silver chargers, cauldrons, and this fun witch shoe party favor! The witch shoe party favor pattern can be found here.
We played a simple game at the table, Witches Scattergories! Have the lists spread out so everyone can easily see one (or give one to each witch!). Everyone will need a separate sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. You are trying to think of creative answers so no one else will match what you write. Pull out your Scattergories dice or put your Scrabble or Banangrams letters in a cup (take out the hard letters like X and Z and Q and vowels). Draw out a letter for each number. The answer has to start with that letter. After filling out the papers, go around the table and have each person tell their answer to #1. And so forth. You only get a point if no one else comes up with the same answer!
Download and print here.
So gather your ghoulfriends – there’s free broom parking – witch shoes required!
How cute!
These are some fun ideas! Love the soup and little paper shoe!
This is such a cute idea, absolutely love it!
Got to love tea with friends, even if your friends are fiends.hahaha…
I’m having trouble printing out the game. I took it to my local Office Max and they said they can’t grab the image to print. Is there a trick to printing it out? It’s soooooo cute! I really wanted to use it.
Hi Rebekah! Sorry about the trouble! If you hover your mouse over the image, a bar pops up across the top. One of the buttons on the bar is an arrow (pointing down). That’s the download button, and if you click it, it should download the file and you can save it to a thumb drive or your desktop or wherever. I’ll email you the file just in case. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great time with the game!!
THANK YOU! These are perfect for my witches party this year. I needed some new ideas and love what you’ve done.