As mentioned in a previous post, due to some health challenges my life as a young adult was quite different than most. I spent a lot of time at home and at doctor’s appointments. My social life was regulated by a need for a lot of sleep and a large number of food restrictions. That…
Flip Flop Grad Gift {FREE PRINTABLE!}
Today feels a little like Christmas Eve. From the can’t-sleep-ness to the pre-celebration over-eating (soft and gooey donuts, anyone?) to the undercurrent of giddiness. Why? You ask. Because tomorrow, my friends, the hubs graduates from grad school. Hooray. Hallelujah. Huzzah.
4 Ways: Asking and Answering
My mom has a gift for many things. One of those things is coming up with creative ways to ask and answer to dances. And with four kids having gone through high school at a school where there is a dance every month, it sure came in handy! Some of my favorite memories are when…
5-Step Dance Dos
Just a couple of weeks before my Senior year of high school was about to start, our Denver home sold and Kellie and I were in the car a couple of days later to make it to tennis and volleyball tryouts in Utah. There were lots of surprises in that whole transition-but one of my…
Grad Cap Goodie Plates
I have pretty much no memories of high school graduation. Which is weird, right? But for the life of me, I can’t recall a single thing… My most vivid memory of graduation from Utah State with my Bachelor’s degree is picking out the shoes I would wear. Why?-you ask. All of my girlfriends were shopping…
The Graduation Book
I used trusty ol’ Google to figure out the most common or most recommended gifts for a high school graduate. Among the list were things like a laptop, digital camera, a new bike, luggage, a magazine subscription, and some other kitchen or dorm room essentials. Those are all nice things, but what I’m going to…