As mentioned in a previous post, due to some health challenges my life as a young adult was quite different than most. I spent a lot of time at home and at doctor’s appointments. My social life was regulated by a need for a lot of sleep and a large number of food restrictions. That being said, birthdays were usually quite low key and spent at home with family and ended with going to bed early. My sweet mom realized that turning 21 was sort of a big deal and she wanted to find a way to help me celebrate in a way that I could still eat what I needed to and get to bed on time. She planned a surprise “Amazing Race” themed party for me.
Family members and a few close friends came to surprise me on a Saturday afternoon and it was a BLAST! We still talk about it to this day and laugh at some of the crazy things that happened. Let’s just say we all have some serious competitive blood in our veins.
This party was for a birthday celebration, but we think it would make an awesome youth activity, graduation party or family party.
Here are the things you’ll need:
– bandanas, or something to distinguish teams
– clues printed out for each team (one clue per page)
– props or other equipment needed for the challenges: jar of coins, puzzle, small cups full of M&Ms, colorful clothing items, money for the grocery store
– make sure you have access to various spots for the challenges, such as the basketball hoop, trampoline, a track, etc.
– each team will need access to a camera & recording devise…most likely their phones!
– some small prizes for the winning team
– access to cars with responsible drivers to get around town for the challenges
We had 3 different teams for our party. Keeping teams to 4-5 players is best. Each team started with a different number clue so we weren’t always going to the same place at the same time, but everyone did all 9 challenges. There was a manilla envelope for each team with the clues in them that they would need throughout the race. Feel free to personalize or change any of the clues to the group you are with or the location you’ll be at. Since it was done for my birthday, my mom made some of the clues more specific to be about me – such as using my birth year on the coin, my favorite food at the grocery store and doing a mini triathlon since I enjoy those. Just be creative! You’ll also want to make sure you have a “home base” designated for the teams to return to when they need their next clue. That way you don’t have to leave clues at random places and they always report back.
We hope you enjoy this party as much as we did!
Oh my gosh, how fun!!!!
This is seriously a favorite. So fun! I will always remember this party!!