Today feels a little like Christmas Eve. From the can’t-sleep-ness to the pre-celebration over-eating (soft and gooey donuts, anyone?) to the undercurrent of giddiness.
Why? You ask.
Because tomorrow, my friends, the hubs graduates from grad school. Hooray. Hallelujah. Huzzah.
About two years ago, we made the decision to leave full-time work, jump into full-time graduate school, and sell our home. Right around the time that we were having baby #1. And when I say right around the time, I mean, my husband was on the phone with our realtor at the hospital, accepting an offer on our first lovely little home.
And now it’s happening all in reverse (minus the baby part, that’s not one of those reversible things, we’re planning on keeping him and adding a little girl to the mix!), and we couldn’t feel more blessed. So yes. Christmas Eve in May.
Graduation is in the air-and whatever the degree or diploma-it’s something to celebrate. It’s an ending and beginning all wrapped up in one funny little hat. And it’s glorious.
So for whoever in your life that might be moving on to the next big thing, we’ve got an easy and inexpensive gift idea. With a cute free printable! Check these out.
Wal-Mart has a selection of flip-flops for 99 cents each, which is awesome if you’ve got a lot of people on the graduate list this year. The tags could really go with anything shoe or feet/feat related your little graduate would love.
You can find the printables here: Blue Dots//Pink Dots//Yellow Paper.
Like most of our printables, it’s sized to fit perfectly for a 4×6 print so you can print these easily and cheaply with your local photograph printing place. (We printed ours at Wal-Mart for something like 15 cents each.)
Best of luck to you and your graduates! May your funny-hat-day be everything you hope for!
Are you kidding me! So stinking cute!