Just a couple weeks ago I found myself watching some old family videos with my mom and husband. We saw lots of choir performances, tumbling classes, basketball games and birthdays. With each birthday there were a few things that we could always count on: a birthday plate being used, a birthday tablecloth on the table, and a pretty awesome homemade cake from my mom. She has some serious skills when it comes to making cakes of any design for a kids party.
Back to the birthday plate and tablecloth, though. I think there is something to say about those small yet significant ways a birthday is recognized. There was always a bit of a thrill walking down the stairs on your birthday to find the table set just for you. It really is those little things that make a special day even more special.
Today we are sharing another way you can celebrate with your family members and friends and make sure they know this is their special day. The birthday hat.
This is a more recent addition to our birthday celebrations, and we made our first one at a young women’s activity just a few years ago. There’s a good chance you have all the supplies you need in your home right now:
– brown paper grocery bag
– ribbons and fabric scraps
– stapler, straight pins and/or glue gun
– rubber band
There isn’t really a certain way to do this, but I’ll do my best to explain how we made ours.
1. Start with your brown paper bag and turn it inside out if it has writing or pictures on it. Try to go a little slow and avoid major rips or tears.
2. With it inside out, bring the top of the bag to somewhat of a point and wrap a rubber band around it. This isn’t required, but it helps to make it look more like a hat. At this time you can also bring in the sides a little and pin or staple them so it is more narrow and fitted.
3. Roll/fold up the bottom edge about an inch to create a brim for your hat and staple or pin.
4. Get creative! There is no right or wrong to the fabric or ribbon you use. Depending on the fabric you might want to use a glue gun to attach it to the bag, but sometimes a staple or pin work just find as well. Go all the way up the hat until it is covered. Feel free to add some fun embellishments along the way or at the top.
5. Find someone to wear it for their birthday!
This would be a fun activity to do with family (you could make a few hats or all work together on one) or for a youth activity. The YW loved making birthday hats to take home to their families.
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