By the time Wednesday rolls around, I find myself thinking, “Holy cow. I have another Sunday to get ready for. How did this happen?”
Weeks have a funny way of doing that, you know, cycling around and around. You’d think I’d stop getting surprised…
Around here, Mondays are our recovery days. It used to be just for baby boy-who has a clear aversion to 1:00 church gliding right through a naptime that never happens on Sundays. But it’s kind of a regrouping day for me now, too. Monday is the day that I don’t think about the six itty-bitty days until I’m up sweating (gracefully?) in front of Junior Primary again. And then Wednesday hits, surprise!
No, no, it’s really a good thing. I enjoy the planning part that goes into singing time. It’s fun for me. And I love the little moments when I forget that I don’t really know what I’m doing and my heart fills with the truth and the goodness of what those little voices are singing back to me. I have a front row seat to hearing their testimonies. That’s surely something sweet.
And I’m confident that I’ll get less nervous as time goes by… (right?!).
Well, on to this month’s song, “Seek the Lord Early.” I’ve got the full flip chart ready for you to color, mat, and use! You can find that HERE. (If you’ll be using this, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Pinterest for more great Primary ideas!)
For this week, while we’re just learning the song, I plan on putting most of the words of the song up on a bright yellow posterboard with 8 fill-in-the-blank spots (one on each line). Then, I’m going to hide the missing words around the room (or under the seats) and have the finders come up and figure out where the words go. (I might swap out words for pictures for Junior Primary. I’m still working through that one.)
And then we’ll do their favorite game-hot and cold!! Which is all about seeking and finding: perfect fit.
Let me know if you have any other great ideas to go with this song. I’d LOVE to hear them!