Q:What animal on the ark could Noah not trust?
A: The cheetah
Q: What kind of lights were on the ark?
A: Floodlights
Q: Which animal on the ark had the highest degree of intelligence?
A: The giraffe
Haha! I love the Bible story of Noah’s Ark and as a child wondered how Noah could possibly take care of all those animals! This Noah’s Ark game was my kids’ favorite for years and yours will love it too.
Here’s how it works:
The first player to help Noah get all the animals in the ark is the winner.
How to make your Noah’s Ark Game:
1. Run off copies of the ark on cardstock (one per person playing). I did mine on colored cardstock so I didn’t have to color them, but if you and your kids love to color, run them off on white and you can personalize your arks. Cut the arks out. Fold on dotted line, forming a pocket on the front of the ark. Using a glue stick, glue the sides securely. Get FREE PRINTABLE of the ark here.
2. Run off copies of the animals on cardstock (2 per person playing). I ran mine off on white and colored them. Cut the animals pages out along the dotted lines so you have 10 squares – 2 for each animal. Get FREE PRINTABLE of the animals here.
3. You will need a die.
4. Everyone playing should have an ark and 10 animal cards. Stack the animal cards in piles in front of each player. So, you’ll have a pile of two lions, a pile of two hippos, etc.
5. Each player takes a turn rolling the die.
1= lion, 2= hippo, 3= bear, 4= lamb, 5=frog, 6 =any animal
For example: if you roll a 5 put one frog in your ark. If you don’t have any frogs left, you don’t get to put an animal in the ark that turn. If you roll a 6 you can choose any animal you have left to put in your ark.
Good luck with all those animals!
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Jen Allyson says
Ooh I love this! I’m printing it out to play with my boys. TFS