2015 has had it’s share of natural disasters. We’ve had earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, wildfires, avalanches, droughts, floods,and blizzards. And these are just the big things. Are you prepared? Take these quizzes and see how you’re doing.
Are You Ready? Basic Medical Supplies to Stock
The first seven years of Kellie’s life were pretty rough. (Just ask Natalie — she watched “Big Bird Goes to Japan” a million times while Mom was busy taking care of her) Kellie had bronchial pneumonia, multiple respiratory and ear infections, and then asthma. At one point she was on seven medications, having daily nebulizer…
Are You Ready? Keys & Copies
I missed a call from my college son last week. He’d locked himself out of his apartment. Fortunately, all his viewing of Psych episodes helped him get in through the window. You see, as lovable as he is, he’s a bit “key-challenged.” In high school he’d head to the gym to play basketball at 5:30…
Are You Ready? Let’s Talk Tents
Thousands of people become homeless and lose everything during a natural disaster. What are you going to do when your home and belongings have been destroyed due to an earthquake, fire, flash floods or landslides?
Are You Ready? 3 Things You Don’t Want to Be Without
Cash- Do you have enough emergency cash on hand? When the power goes out there is no banking, no ATM, no credit cards. Even if there is power, in an emergency people will head for a cash station. In Houston when people were evacuating for a hurricane all the money was depleted from the ATM’s…
Are You Ready? 10 Things to Know for an Emergency Evacuation from a Family Who Lived It
Five years ago, my cousin, Kathryn found herself loading up her car and her family under evacuation orders because of a local wildfire. We thought she’d be a perfect fit as a guest blogger for our preparedness series this year. So here it is, what you want-and need!-to know to be ready for an emergency evacuation.
Are You Ready? What To Do Before, During, & After an Earthquake
In the late 1940’s as a responsible fourteen-year-old my mother was asked to babysit her nephew for a few days in California while my aunt and uncle were away on business. They lived in a small apartment so Mom slept in the bed next to Phillip in the crib. In the early hours of the…
Are You Ready? 3 More Things You Should Know or Have
1. Got Duct Tape? I have a friend who always carries duct tape in her car and 72 hour emergency kit. She swears you can fix anything with it and has used it to temporarily repair car hoses, taillights, windows, AND entertain her kids.