1. Keep shoes under your bed. Several years ago my friend had a terrible fire consume her home on Christmas Eve. They discovered the flames from the Christmas tree in the middle of the night. The fire caused the windows to break. They quickly left the home barefooted, cutting their feet on the glass covered…
Are You Ready? 3 Simple Things That Make a Big Difference
Several years ago on a Sunday afternoon our family got a phone call from a church friend/leader. He challenged us to spend the next three days sleeping outside in a tent and living solely on food and supplies we had at home. We were asked not to go to the store or use the…
Are You Ready? The Basics of Being Prepared
We’ve lived near five major cities in the U.S. and while we haven’t experienced any life-threatening disasters, we’ve had some minor things happen that required us to use our emergency supplies and food storage in every place we’ve lived. While living in Chicago the water supply was contaminated so they shut it off for 2…