The Not-So-Newlywed Game provides entertaining moments and a funny dose of honesty at your family reunion as three couples are pitted against each other. A round of questions determines how well the not-so-newlywed spouses know or do NOT know each other. Along the way you’ll learn more about grandpa and grandma’s courtship and quirks, have a few laughs, and hopefully no one ends up sleeping on the couch that night!
(This could also be a really fun youth activity to spotlight older couples in the ward or for the youth to get to know the Bishopric better. You could wrap up the evening with a dating panel, having these more experienced couples answer questions the youth submitted before the activity.)
Items needed: 8 white posterboards(each cut into 4 pieces), markers, microphone, 2 bags of Hershey’s kisses or hugs, and a gift card for ice cream or frozen yogurt.
Here’s how it works:
– Keep this activity to 30-45 minutes. Your audience (family members) will be more interested in sitting and watching if it follows some physical activity like playing volleyball. This is also a great time to pass out a treat for people to enjoy while they watch the game show. Engage your audience by encouraging them to cheer for a couple/team. My dad and his two siblings and their spouses were the contestants. Their children and grandchildren loved to cheer their side of the family on!
– Set up 6 chairs in front for your three couples.
– Have a microphone ready for the emcee so everyone can hear the questions.
– Before the game show, ask each husband and wife individually the questions and record their answers on quarter sized sheets of posterboard. I wrote the answer given on one side and the number of the question and the contestant name on the other. These are the questions we used:
For husbands-
1. Which one of the following Valentine’s Day gifts would your wife prefer the most: a beautiful bouquet of flowers, you cleaning the entire house, a one hour massage, or jewelry?
2. What is your wife’s favorite date night activity?
3. How long did you date before getting married?
4. What celebrity does your wife most resemble?
5. What was your worst home improvement?
For wives-
1. What song is your husband most likely to sing in the shower?
2. What is your husband’s strangest quirk?
3. If your husband were a candy bar, what would he be?
4. What is the first thing about your husband that you were attracted to?
5. What is your husband’s favorite meal for you to cook?
– Divide the posterboard answers into piles for each contestant and have them hold them on their laps with the answers facing down and the numbers/names on top
– Play the The Newlywed Game theme song at the beginning to make it fun.
– Have someone engaging/entertaining to act as Bob Eubanks (emcee) and keep the game moving along.
– Remind your contestants not to discuss any of the questions with their spouse and to be quick in answering questions.
– We had a grandchild of each couple stand behind them, and holding up their fingers they acted as the scorekeeper for their team. (1 point for each correct answer- ten would be a perfect score) AND they got the audience to cheer for their team!
– To begin, ask all the men the first question. The wives have the stack of posterboard answers on their laps. After the first husband gives his answer, the wife lifts up the first card to show if he answered correctly or not. Then do the same for the other husbands. If correct, they get one point. Continue asking all five questions to the men.
– Then you will do the same thing, asking the wives the first question. The husbands will have their stack of posterboard answers and they will show if the answer was correct or not. Keep the game moving so people don’t get bored.
– The couple with the most points wins a gift card for ice cream or dessert. The losing couples each get a bag of Hershey’s kisses or hugs.
I just found your website, and you guys are so cute! Love all your ideas! Thanks for sharing! Is it ok, if I use your picture of the game title on my blog? (I will link it back to you). Thanks again for sharing your ideas!
Thanks, Haylee! Yes, feel free to use it. Thanks for linking back!