So here’s the thing. I’m 23 (24 next week!). Which means I was in Young Womens a short 6 years ago. Which also means that when I help the girls plan activities, often times the ideas I have are of activities I did myself and enjoyed not so long ago.
Trick-or-Treating for the Food Bank is one of those activities. I did it and loved it, and when I shared it with the youth in our ward I knew they would love it too.
I love it because it is the perfect mix of fun and service. Pretty much any teenager wishes they could still go trick-or-treating so telling them they can dress up and do it a week or so before Halloween is almost as good as getting that huge bag of candy. But instead of getting that candy they will be asking for cans of food to take to the local Food Bank.
The activity doesn’t take much prep. Just make sure all the youth (and leaders!) know when the activity is and that a costume is expected. Have everyone bring bags to collect the food in and have a wagon or car nearby to put the bags of food in when they are full since it can get a bit heavy. Go from house to house for as long as time allows and then head down to the food bank together to give them what you received.
After the initial confusion from the people opening the door that it in fact isn’t Halloween and yet they have people dressed up at their door – you’ll be surprised how willing they are to donate some canned goods.
So dig out those Halloween costume boxes, round up your youth and get serving!